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SYNCHRO Field - Consolidated Ideas Portal

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PDF Markup Offline in Field

Need to be able to Markup PDF's in Field app in offline mode. Don't need all the tools but to be able to do basic markups and SYNC back to cloud once back online.
Dan Sheldon almost 4 years ago in Documents | Documents 0 Planned

Pointcloud data on Model in Synchro Field - Currently when adding a Imodel to Synchro, the pointcloud data is visable on the web version but not of synchro field app

Pointcloud data on Model in Synchro Field - Currently when adding a Imodel to Synchro, the pointcloud data is visable on the web version but not of synchro field app
Guest 4 months ago in Models | Display 0

Link between documents under Documents/Connections and plant set

Since we can now display the saved search under Synchro field, it may be easier to find a document under Documents or Connections. From there if the document exist under Plan Set, a Go To link should exist to allow user to move back and forth betw...
Guest 7 months ago in Documents 1

The Map Layers didn't support Plan Set PDFs

In SYNCHRO Field the Geolocated plans are not able to be seen on the map. It would to see the plan on the map as I'm in the field to give me the spatial context of where I'm at on the project.
Dan Sheldon about 2 years ago in Documents | Plan set 1 Future Consideration

Switch between Element and Alignment in Field app (Station Offset Tool)

It would be helpful to have the option to switch between element and alignment while using the station offset tool in the field app (Similar to Control - see attached)
Thomas Schimpf about 2 years ago in Models | Tools 0 Future Consideration

Resource Status Playback

SYNCHRO field to able to do Resource Status Playback
Guest about 2 years ago in Status update | Resources 1 Future Consideration

Button in email that redirects directly to Synchro Field

When you receive an email, you only have a button that sends you to Synchro Control. We should have the option to redirect to the application directly.
Guest 8 months ago in Forms | Forms 0 Future Consideration

Reality data in Synchro Field app

It would be a great use case if engineers can view the reality data photogrammetry in the Synchro Field app similar to Synchro Control
Guest 12 months ago in Models | Views 0 Future Consideration

Ability to read a QR/bar code in forms

Ability to read a QR/bar code in forms and use the infrmation for: populating a textbox/numberbox link to documents/data n SYnchro/alim/PW compare the data to a data linked from ALIM e.g. asset numbers
Guest 8 months ago in Forms | Forms 0

Civil tools - Selection at location

When in the field and using the geolocation feature in the Field app. It would be helpful and more efficient if the software could create automatic cross-section views at your current location on a split view type of setup. Walk up and down the ro...
Thomas Schimpf about 2 years ago in Models | Tools 0 Future Consideration