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SYNCHRO Field - Consolidated Ideas Portal

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When selecting multiple elements in the model add their quantities together

When selecting multiple elements in the model add there quantities together rather than returning "Varies" If I select two runs of curb and gutter the first being 150ft long and the second being 198ft long I want to get 348ft of curb and gutter in...
Dan Sheldon about 2 years ago in Models | Display 0 Future Consideration

Can progress be performed without 3D

For some projects the Client may not want or may not have a iModel to upload, but have developed a schedule (wbs and tasks). Synchro Field usually allows select the 3D objects and assign progress directly to them (after that tasks are progressed t...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Status update | Tasks 1 Planned

Allow filter and search under download

Since we can download in batch multiple folders or documents. We will require to have search and filter capabilities under the download section
Guest 7 months ago in Documents 2 Future Consideration

Hide previous version under Connection

In the vatical ellipse menu ( vertical three dots top right) add the option to hide previous version. (I suspect that version will find their way to Documents as well so same will need to be deploy when versions are available under documents) In t...
Guest 7 months ago in Documents | Connections 1 Planned

Plant Set Search

We do not seems to be able to Search by: Sheet name Revision description Alignment name
Guest 7 months ago in Documents | Plan set 0 Future Consideration

Ability to jump between 2D Sheets and 3D Model Views seamlessly

Currently, we can switch from 2D sheets to the previously opened 3D View in SYNCHRO Control, using the following back button - Need something similar for Field as well.
Arpit Prakash almost 2 years ago in Models 1 Future Consideration

Resource Status - Update percentage base of quantity

If a task is planned for 10 days to pour 100 cubic meters of concrete. The user would like to be able to update the quantity (cubic meters) using the Field app - Status update
Paolomee Udani over 3 years ago in Status update | Resources 0 Planned

Project filtering by filters or activity codes

the goal is to filter the 4D view to today's or next week's work for the specific role based user viewing the 4D model, pref. based on activity codes, 3D or tasks filters (like SITE used to have!)
Guest almost 4 years ago in Models | Display 0 Future Consideration

Translation of the buttons according to the language set in the Bentley portal

Even if I set my profile language to Portuguese, for example, the "Add Attachments" button remains in English.
Guest 8 months ago in Forms | Forms 0

Could additional snap modes be added in Field model tools

Could you add Intersection, Center, and Midpoint Snaps to SYNCHRO Field model viewing?
Dan Sheldon about 2 years ago in Models | Tools 3 Future Consideration